How to enhance male sexual performance

Most people believe that people who catch fire in their bed are strong men in their late 40s and 50s. but it is not the truth. Tips on how to increase male potency.

medicinal methods

There is a medication for male sexual function as 20 year olds may also face similar problems. Bad habits, crazy pace of life, stressful situations, unhealthy diet, the presence of certain chronic diseases, etc. - all these can lead to "trouble" in bed. Potency-enhancing drugs then become the "savior" for those poor souls who have lost faith in their manhood and suffer in silence.Men enhance sexual performance while maintaining a healthy sex life

How do male potency drugs work?

When there are problems with the appearance or maintenance of an erection during an intimate relationship, these pills can save the day. Its occurrence is a very complex process that requires blood to fill the corpus cavernosum of the penis and stay there for the time required for high-quality sex, bringing pleasure to both parties.Medications used to treat impotence increase the activity of nitric oxide, the main mediator ("conductor") of erections, and slightly dilate blood vessels, resulting in more active blood flow to the penis, allowing the penis to achieve stable size and erectile function. necessary hardness.Only when an object of sexual desire is present does the drug begin to work. After taking it, young people can have sexual intercourse 6-8 times, and older people can have 2-3 times. Millions of men around the world have realized the consequences of their actions. They are among the best-selling products designed to combat erectile dysfunction. But original tablets are expensive. However, some generic drugs are manufactured in India. They are an order of magnitude cheaper but have the same effect.


Although these drugs have miraculous properties, you should not let them get to you. If a person has experienced unpleasant embarrassments, they will help the stronger gender cope with self-doubt and fear of falling short. So, while you're waiting for your night of love, it might as well be on the safe side and take a dose of the male-strength life-saving drug. It will bring confidence, calmness and provide an unforgettable experience for both parties.Medicines are good as first aid, but male sexual function pills are also necessary. Treatment of the disease should begin with a visit to a specialist who will determine the real cause of male impotence or loss of libido.

Drug-Free Tips for Improving Male Potency

Although impotence becomes more common with age, it is not necessarily a component of aging. How to improve male sexual performance and how to maintain a healthy sex life?
  1. Listen to your eating habits!
    A diet that isn't heart-healthy may also be bad for erections. Studies have shown that this diet can even reduce blood flow in arteries, which can lead to heart attacks, while also making it difficult to get blood to the penis, even though an adequate blood supply is needed for an erection. Low-fat vegetables and fat-rich oils or fast food reduce blood circulation in the body.
    Recent research shows that erectile dysfunction is relatively rare among consumers who eat a traditional Mediterranean diet - one that contains mostly fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fats, seeds, fish and red wine.
    Experts say the link between the Mediterranean diet and a healthy sex life is scientifically proven. Sexy food is an understandable concept.
  2. Watch your weight!
    Being overweight can lead to many health problems, including type 2 diabetes, which can cause nerve damage and negatively affect erections.
  3. Watch your blood pressure and cholesterol levels!
    High cholesterol and high blood pressure can cause erectile dysfunction by damaging the blood vessels that carry blood to the penis.
    Check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels regularly with your doctor! We recommend that you measure your blood pressure regularly between exams. High blood pressure can damage your arteries and cause erection difficulties, so it must be treated.
  4. Drink less!
    Experts say there is no direct evidence that moderate drinking can have a negative impact on erections, but regular, long-term drinking can lead to liver damage, nerve damage and other changes that affect male sex hormones, leading to erectile dysfunction.
  5. Move regularly!
    There is a strong correlation between a sedentary lifestyle and erectile dysfunction. Aerobic exercise such as running and swimming can help prevent erectile dysfunction.
    Watch for any movement that puts excessive pressure on the barrier between the scrotum and anus. The nerves and blood vessels associated with the penis can also be negatively affected due to excessive pressure on the barrier. For example, riding a bicycle may cause erectile dysfunction.
    Of course, the occasional short ride isn't a problem, but for those who regularly spend a lot of time on their bikes, it's important to make sure your bike seat is adjusted correctly and that your padded bike pants don't wear out. It is worth arranging a special bike ride to protect the genital area from excessive stress, including sexual dysfunction.
  6. Avoid anabolic steroids!
    The anabolic steroids used by most athletes and bodybuilders shrink the testicles, making it difficult for them to produce testosterone.
  7. Get used to not smoking!
    Smoking severely damages blood vessels, and nicotine constricts them, reducing blood supply to the penis.
  8. Avoid extreme sexual positions!
    For some, it is important to avoid extreme sexual positions because of the possibility of injury during sexual activity.
  9. relieve pressure!
    Stress can cause elevated levels of the hormone adrenaline in the body, which can constrict blood vessels and lead to erection difficulties. By reducing stress, you can promote a better sex life!
Erections start in the brain. Something a person sees, feels, smells, hears, or thinks causes nerves to send chemical signals to the blood vessels in the penis. The arteries relax and open, allowing more blood to flow in; at the same time, other veins close.Once blood enters the penis, pressure holds it within the corpora cavernosa. Your penis will expand and remain erect for a period of time. When blood flow stops and veins open, your penis becomes limp.Therefore, understanding the physiological process of erection can help us understand how to enhance male sexual performance from a completely new perspective.